
The IELTS Test

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the leading internationally recognized English Language benchmark test for students and working adults.  IELTS tests are made up of four parts – listening, speaking, writing and reading and the results are graded from 1 (no language ability) to 9 (native speaker).

Who should take IELTS Test?

Most UK and Australian universities require prospective students to take the IELTS test and achieve a score of 6 to 7. The Government of the HKSAR has also adopted the test to assess the English competency of graduates leaving university. The private sector is also using the test as a benchmark examination when planning promotions or training.

Why should I take the IELTS Test?

The preparation course allows participants to become familiar with the structure and format of the IELTS test.  Students learn the examination techniques and strategies to be successful in the test. Students get plenty of exam practice and teachers will give specific feedback.

Course Outline


  • Listening for specific information
  • Identifying speakers’ opinions
  • Guessing the meaning of words
  • Identifying reason and argument


  • Skimming and scanning information
  • Identifying the main ideas and completing a summary
  • Note-taking
  • Skills in completing tables, charts or diagrams
  • Skills in writing short answers, matching headings to paragraphs and matching causes and effects


  • Responding to a given problem
  • Presenting a point of view
  • Describing information presented in a graph, table, diagram
  • Describing the stages of a process
  • Understand the difference between formal and informal writing styles


  • Expressing opinions
  • Exchanging and comparing
  • Talking about specific topics
  • Pronunciation and conversational information activities

Course  Information

One-to-One Private Tuition   

Small Group Tutoring (hourly)

  • 2 students, $420 per student
  • 3 students, $300 per student